About us
Driven by Excellence
Teachers are selected among experts of our Team
We are a group of academics with extensive knowledge on the use of camels (Camelus dromedaries). This knowledge is based on results of many years research work carried out in partnership with universities, camel farmers and pastoralists in arid regions of Africa. Our research covers both basic and practical oriented research, aiming to increase camel productivity through development of market oriented milk and meat products, of high hygienic safety and prolonged shelf life, adding value to the existing traditional camel products. This can improve the income generating opportunities for camel keeping pastoralists and SME engaged in processing and marketing of camel products.
Milk Science and Technology
Dr. Zakaria Farah. Team Leader
Dr. Zakaria Farah is since 1982 senior lecturer for food technology in developing countries at Institute of Food Science and Nutrition, ETHZ. He is a leader of a group within the institue dealing with development oriented research programmes in the area of food security in developing countries.
For the last 15 years camel milk has been on of the main research areas for the group of Dr. Farah. This research, which has been done in collaboration with different research institutions in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia, has resulted in many publications in international papers and two textbooks on camel milk and several PhD theses.
Dr. Stefan Kappeler
Dr. Stefan Kappeler, has studied the amounts and characteristics of individual proteins in camel milk in the course of a PhD thesis. One of the projects in a following PostDoc was the recombinant production of camel chymosin for biochemical analysis and evaluation of its effectiveness as a milk coagulant. He presently works as a quality assurance manager in the pharmaceutical industry.
Dr. John Wangoh
Dr. John Wangoh obtained his PhD on chemical and technological properties of camel milk from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zurich and is a Lecturer for Dairy technology at Nairobi University. Currently he is EU-consultant for Planning, Installation, Operation and Training for a Camel Milk Plant in Gardo District, Puntland State, Somalia.
Anne Bruntse
Danish Agronomist, worked for Danish extension service, FAO, Privat farming in Kenya, Developed own mini dairy using appropriate technology and developed milk processing recipes suitable for local conditions. Currently assisting KARI (Kenya Agriculture Research Institute) start mini entreprise using appropriate technolgy in pastoral areas, including developing recipes for sale and storage of camel milk.
Animal Health
Dr. Mario Younan
Dr. Mario Khaled Younan is a German veterinarian based in Kenya. He has worked on camel mastitis and on diseases of came calves. Currently he is employed by the Kenya Camel Association under the CTZ/CIM Integrated Experts Program. Besides hunting down bacterical agents in camels and in their milk he is also involved in the hygene monitoring of a camel milk dairy in Somalia
Dr. Omar Abdurahman
Dr. Omar Abdurahman has graduated from the faculty of veterinary medicine of the Somali National University in 1981. He has worked as a pathologist at the central veterinary laboratory in Mogadishu over 10 years and was involved as a researcher in the Somali camel research Project since 1986. During 1987/88 he worked as livestock research officer with NGO in Sablale district development programme. Dr. Abdurahman is a fellow of the Royal Veterinary College (FRCVS, Sweden) and obtained MSc and PhD from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). He is currently working as a researcher at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, SLU Uppsala, Sweden.
Meat Science and Technology
Prof. Dr. Albert Fischer
Albert Fischer, Prof. Dr. med. vet., born 1939, study of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Munich, State Examination 1968, Dr. med. vet. 1970, Master Butcher 1972; since 1976 Professor for Meat Technology at the Institute of Food Technology, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
Kathrin Stephanie Ulmer
Kathrin Stephanie Ulmer, Food Technologist, born 1969, trained as cook from 1989 to 1992, study of Food Technology at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany; since 1999 PhD student at the Department of Meat Technology at the Institute of Food Technology, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
Kurt Hermann
Kurt Herrmann, born 1960, Master Butcher 1985; since 1986 responsible for the pilot plant of Meat Technology at the Institute of Food Technology, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. From 1996–2001 he stayed several times at the Ol Maisor Farm in Kenya. He took part in developing the described slaughter process, the deboning and cutting of camels and several camel meat products.
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Tony Fred, Faculty Head of IT
Tony received a degree in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and a Ph D. degree in 1998 and 2004. After a post-doctoral experience he joined the school as professor of mechatronics in 2006. In 2010, he became Head of IT.
Mich Stark, IT Officer
He is professor in the Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering since 2000. He lectures in mechanical drawing and mechanical design for undergraduate and graduate students. He is active in Problem and Project based learning. He is the promoter of 8 doctoral theses.
Aline Turner, Law professor
She has been practicing law at the French-speaking Brussels Bar since 2006. She has worked in various major law firms based in Brussels, as member and then head of their litigation/arbitration practice groups.
Iris Joe, team leader professor
Iris, with her international experience, helps us easily understand the numbers and improves them. She is determined to drive success and delivers her professional acumen to bring the company to the next level.